I decided on the way home from a music gig on Saturday night that I wanted to share with you my other love apart from crafts.... the music that I love.
You may love them, hate them, already know them or I might have opened your ears to something new for you to love too.
This week I was lucky enough to see Scott Matthew (not to be muddled with Scott Matthews) at the 'Fleapit' in London with less than 40 people in a very small room, ( much nicer than a room filled with 2,000 people who think its fun to throw their half full beer cups in the air). Mr Matthew was un-miked, just the beauty and strength of his voice along with his guitar and band mates cello. It's amazing how music can make you feel. I suppose it gives you hope, amongst all the doom and gloom that life can bring, it can also bring such beauty.....just a shame that on the way to the gig , a little child threw an egg at my back.....hay ho you can't have everything!
I'm not sure if I can add a video to this blog, for now I have given you a link to one of his songs ( not his video!!)
Scott Matthew- Market me to children